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Settle Easy becomes the first online conveyancing platform to keep real estate agents and mortgage brokers in the loop

At Settle Easy, we’re always looking for ways to make things easier for everyone involved in property settlements. 

That’s why our online conveyancing platform is so great. Real estate agents and mortgage brokers won’t need to sign up or sign into anything on their laptops or mobile devices to receive important conveyancing updates.  

Our conveyancers will update agent and broker contact details to our platform when we onboard our customers, you don’t need to do a thing. We’re definitely not adding to your workload – we’re making things easier for you.

Whether it’s a sale or purchase, our conveyancers and property lawyers will look after your clients throughout this complex transaction. We’ll be available, helpful and focused on providing the most professional conveyancing service, wrapped up in A-grade customer care. 

And we’ll keep you, the agents and brokers who have made this property transaction possible, updated in real-time at significant milestones along the way. 

The latest release of our platform incorporates real-time automated notifications that include messages about when:


  • we’ve assigned an expert conveyancer to look after your client 
  • the Contract becomes unconditional
  • settlement has been scheduled
  • settlement has been completed.


We’ll reference the property address in these messages which will be sent via sms and email so there’ll be a clear record of what’s happening within the transaction.

It also means agents and brokers will have a searchable reference point if you need to review this information down the track. 

Some agents and brokers have told us they prefer text messages instead of emails – no problem. We can make this change very easily. 

As we grow to become Australia’s number one choice for online conveyancing, we’ll keep working within the property ecosystem so our technology and services match and exceed the sector’s expectations. 

We’re working hard to ensure everyone who chooses us settles easy!


Quotes attributable to Settle Easy CEO, Sam Almaliki

‘The best property technology adapts to the needs of those who use it. We’re excited about the latest release of our online conveyancing platform which includes several new features including real time notifications for agents and brokers without having to sign up or sign into more software. This is a big timesaver – the days of chasing conveyancers for information are over!’ 




Media contact: Beth Oleyar 0401 371 759 | beth.oleyar@settleeasy.com.au

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